
Winning and growing by failing forward with Kristen Liebert

Kristen Liebert from Rally House highlights how adopting MACH technology transforms their operations, enhancing flexibility and scalability to overcome outdated systems. Learning from failures fuels their ongoing growth.

  • Topic
    MACH Technology, Store operations, Inventory management

In June 2024, Kristen Liebert took to the stage at MACH 3 - the MACH Alliance’s biggest event of the year. 

Following in the footsteps of some of the biggest names in retail like H&M and Mattel, Kristen - the Vice President of Business Transformation & Treasurer at US sports retail giant, Rally House - captured the audience with her insight, honesty, and the candid lessons learned from navigating both the successes and challenges of adopting MACH technology. 

Kristen shared the full story of Rally House’s journey - the wins, the failures, and everything in between. Her message? Success doesn’t come from just doing things right; it comes from learning when things go wrong. As she explained, Rally House’s adoption of a MACH approach marked a turning point, but only after they faced painful setbacks with systems that weren’t flexible or scalable enough for their needs. 

By embracing a MACH (Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless) approach, Rally House has unlocked a new level of agility and resilience - transforming their operations and setting themselves up for future success. Their story isn’t just a tale of technology; it’s a powerful reminder that growth often comes from learning how to fail forward. 

Here, Kristen shares with us the same story… 

Could you set the stage for us? What challenges was Rally House facing when you started exploring new POS solutions? 

– When we began this journey, we were in a pretty rough spot. Our legacy POS system was slow, unreliable, and frankly, outdated. There’d been no updates and no improvements. It was slow and unreliable, and during the holiday season, it really crippled our business due to connectivity issues. Basically, it hadn’t kept up with our needs. 

– During key sales events - like Black Friday - our system would crash, completely halting our business. We even had issues where transactions just disappeared into thin air because the ERP integration wasn’t fit for purpose. We knew we couldn’t go on like this. We knew we had to find a modern solution that could keep up with our growth and evolving business needs. 

– So, our biggest priority for 2023 became finding a POS that was fast, modern, and didn’t rely on the internet to function.  

What led you to consider the MACH approach for your new POS system? 

– My talk at MACH 3 was all about our journey - the wins and the failures. I think it's important for other retailers to hear not just the successes but also the mistakes we made along the way. Our implementation of Sitoo POS was a big success, but it came after we learned the hard way with other systems that weren’t flexible or scalable enough for our needs. Sharing those learnings, and hearing from others like Wendy’s who had similar challenges, made the whole experience incredibly valuable. 

– For us, MACH was a game-changer because it gave us the adaptability and flexibility we needed. We didn’t want a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we wanted to pick the best tools for each aspect of our business and ensure they worked together seamlessly. And a MACH approach is perfect for this. For example, we’re in a position now where, if we choose to, it’s easy to integrate different systems together - like frontline communication tools, a CRM, and the POS. 

– When we started this journey, we were just focused on finding a reliable POS solution. But as we dug deeper, it became clear that adopting a best-of-breed approach across all our systems was the way to go. From the POS perspective, after evaluating multiple solutions, we chose Sitoo because it checked all our boxes without adding unnecessary complexity. It seamlessly integrated with our existing ERP, provided the flexibility we needed, and didn’t lock us into using any one system for everything. 

You mentioned “failures” that led to your successful POS implementation. Could you elaborate on those? 

– Our biggest failure came from rushing the selection process with our previous system. We were so focused on finding a solution quickly that we didn’t vet multiple options thoroughly. The system we chose promised a modern POS with ERP integration but, as I mentioned, ended up being unreliable during critical periods like Black Friday. We learned that doing due diligence and taking the time to truly understand our business needs was crucial.  

One of the biggest concerns with a MACH approach is the fact people are worried about the potential cost and complexity with managing multiple vendors. How did you address that? 

– Oh, for sure! The thought of managing multiple vendors can be intimidating. But once we started down the path of best-of-breed solutions, we found that when a product works out of the box, integration timelines and implementation costs are not as prohibitive. Having knowledgeable partners, like Sitoo, also helped us feel confident in our decisions. 

What advice would you give to retailers who are thinking about making the leap to MACH or best-of-breed systems? 

– Don’t be afraid to take risks. The safe choice is often sticking with a monolithic system, but that can actually be the riskier move in the long run. Best-of-breed solutions can give you flexibility and scalability, but you have to be willing to embrace change and not shy away from it. 

– The future of retail is definitely creating a seamless experience between online and in-store shopping. Customers want convenience and consistency, whether they’re buying online or picking up in-store. That’s why Rally House’s investment in a MACH-certified, POS system was so important. It allows us to give customers that unified, frictionless experience they expect. 

– The success we’ve seen comes from our commitment to agility and flexibility. With our new POS system, we’ve been able to adapt quickly, scale efficiently, and provide our customers with a seamless shopping experience. It’s been a learning journey, but it’s one that’s paid off in more ways than we could have imagined. 

– For anyone on the fence about whether to take a best-of-breed approach, my advice is to make that leap and take the risk. For us, it delivered a return almost instantly. 

What would your top tips be for retailers who are in a similar position to the position you were in at the start of 2023? 

– I believe great retail boils down to two things: knowing your customers and being agile. Retailers often think they know what’s best for customers, but the truth is we have to listen, understand, and then adapt. Agility is critical - whether that’s in your operations, your customer service, or your technology stack. If you’re not able to pivot quickly to meet market demands, you’re setting yourself up for failure. 

– And that’s why we went down the MACH route. So my tips are these: 

– Firstly, involve essential stakeholders from the outset of software implementations. Minimizing back-and-forth communication between project managers, executives, and boards can prevent delays and foster a more creative and efficient workflow. Early stakeholder involvement ensures that all perspectives are considered, streamlining decision-making and accelerating project progress. 

– Secondly, stay focused. Clearly define your project priorities and dedicate the necessary resources to ensure successful completion. By concentrating your efforts and resources on what truly matters, you can drive the project forward effectively and achieve your goals without unnecessary distractions. 

– And finally, choose scalable and flexible software – that evolves with you. Select software solutions that can evolve alongside your business needs. Opt for technology that enhances your company’s capabilities and provides the flexibility to adapt as you grow, rather than limiting your operations. Scalable software ensures that your business can continue to thrive and innovate without being constrained by outdated or rigid systems. 

Read more about Rally House’s success here. 

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