Blog post

What does the future of retail look like?

This is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question – even more so as we begin, not just a new year, but a new decade.

  • Topic
    Retail trends
  • Published
    January 2, 2020

Picture this scene… you’re heading to a new store for the first time. You’re excited, it’s a brand you love but you’ve only ever bought or maybe only engaged with them online. Now you get to experience the brand in the flesh, to be dazzled by their new store, and to fall in love with them all over again.

The brand is fun, different, engaging and, not only do they make great products, you believe in them and their values. The anticipation of the store visit is almost too much to bear. But, as soon as you step through the doors, you’re expectations are dashed.

You were hoping to be greeted and welcomed with open arms, like an old friend. Instead, you find a stressed-out store associate, stuck behind a counter, battling with technology. Instead of a sleek vision of the future – where the possibilities of new technology allow retailers to seamlessly meet customer expectations – you feel like you’ve been plunged back into the past.

Let’s pause a second. The above might seem like an over-reaction. In fact, it probably is. But first impressions are everything and – as retail steps boldly into a new decade – you have to make sure the first impression customers have of your stores – and all those that follow after – match their expectations.

Your store associates are the special ingredient in your recipe for delivering an outstanding customer experience. However, they can’t do this if they are fighting a losing battle with out-dated tech. This is where a mobile POS (mPOS) system comes in.

A cloud-based mobile mPOS system isn’t just a cash register – it’s the most important piece in your retail puzzle.

Unlike traditional solutions, mPOS systems can run on smartphones and tablets – all you need is an internet connection, a card reader and to download an app. One of the most immediate and visible benefits of a mPOS system is how much space it can free up in your stores. Legacy systems are heavyweight affairs with cumbersome cash drawers and unsightly monitors. Tablets and phones are sleek, cool and discreet – they help set the tone for a modern, exciting store.

As a brand, you want to always be the best version of yourself and for the message you’ve worked so hard on crafting to always shine through. Your associates make this happen and are the key to transforming your in-store experience for your customers.

But to do this, they need to be freed from the shackles of the old ways of working. With a mPOS system, they are free to meet your customers at each point of their journey through the store and, crucially, are right there to complete the purchase.

A mPOS system allows you to take payments through a phone or a tablet. With an easy-to-use and intuitive app, it makes life easier for you and your associates while providing a better experience for your customers – often reducing their wait times, providing them with digital receipts and making their purchasing journey buttery smooth.

Where a mPOS system becomes a true game changer is when it’s connected to an intelligent, cloud-based platform which enables unified commerce with real-time retail. When this is in place, all sales channels are connected in real time allowing you to sell everywhere and fulfil anywhere. Customers can access all stocks everywhere and choose where and how to have their products delivered while product information, campaigns, pricelists, inventories and customer data are synchronized.

The best mPOS systems will seamlessly integrate with CRM, eCommerce, payments, ERP and other systems – resulting in shared real-time data across all platforms. They will also offer a wide range of payment solutions such as credit cards, cash, invoicing, gift cards, store credit, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Klarna, Swish, Alipay, WeChat Pay, and many more.

Ask yourself:

Do you want your associates stuck behind a clunky, archaic cash register struggling with out-dated, overly complicated technology? Or do you want them working the shop floor, engaging your customers, with the ability to sell everywhere and fulfil anywhere?

Last updated: December 19, 2024

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